Boomtime: Leading a B2B Marketing Company in Challenging Times

Dr. Cathy Greenberg: I’m really happy to be here, today. I’m very excited to hear from our friend at Boomtime. I am very, very interested in learning more about how they are going to be supporting this new virtual world. Not only for real estate but also for other kinds of marketing strategies.

Dr. Relly Nadler: If you want to go ahead and introduce him, then we have some questions we want to tag JP for and get some of his expertise.

Dr. Cathy Greenberg: Absolutely.

JP has over thirty years of experience in marketing, digital strategy, and product management for companies ranging from start-ups to global brands such as Madison Square Gardens, General Mills, DFS Group Limited, Johnson and Johnson, and National Geographic.

JP has worked or helped companies in both the B2C and B2B sectors. And, founded three digital strategy and marketing agencies, after working for many years on the corporate side of marketing.

JP passions are analytics, digital products, and creating the right strategy at the right time for just the right audience.

Boomtime is a B2B marketing company. The Boomtime team created a new approach to marketing. One that fuses technology and expertise together to deliver marketing as a service for B2B and law firms at scale. It helps companies do agency quality website design, LinkedIn campaigns, word-of-mouth marketing, mailbox mining, and legal marketing, as some of their services.

Now, JP was previously the head of marketing at Citysearch, Clear Channel Interactive, and Ticket Master. Just to name a few. He ran strategy and analytics for a leading digital marketing agency.

He founded a successful digital strategy and marketing firm in Los Angeles, and he has had many, many wonderful clients including the ones I already spoke to you about Amgen, McKesson, and many more.

JP, welcome to the show. We are so excited to have you with us. I have a little bit of understanding about your background having been a managing partner at a large global firm. I think we are going to have an exciting show with you, today.

JP Clement: Well, I am excited to be here as well. Thanks for having me.

Dr. Relly Nadler: Well, thanks, JP. So, tell us a little bit about your story and how you got to be where you are today. It sounds like before this, being a CEO, you had your own company that you were CEO of. So, give us a little bit about your background and that progression.

JP Clement: Yes, of course.

So, as your listeners can hear, I was not born in the US. I was born in France and went to college in Paris. But always had this vision that I belonged in a different country and wanted to do something a little bit different with my life compared to my friends and family. So, I moved to the US to get my MBA. I did that on the East Coast.

Then I launched my marketing career quite awhile ago as Cathy mentioned. Marketing has definitely been one of my passions in life. It fits my personality very well. I have been enjoying doing that for a long time. But I have done pretty much every type of marketing that exists.

Starting in traditional marketing, as we call it now, back in the day where it was pretty simple and there were only a couple things that you could do in marketing. And then, transitioned to digital marketing in 1998.

I’ve probably done, also, every single type of digital marketing that exists. Digital marketing has become a very complex, very intricate field, a field that changes very, very fast as well. It has been a lot of fun.

As Cathy mentioned, I was on the corporate side for many, many years and then switched over to the agency side in 2006. Started my own agency in 2009 with a partner. And then, I created two more agencies after that, on my own and ran them; mostly, boutique type agencies, really focused on niche digital marketing tactics. So, I did that for a while.

I moved from LA to New Mexico a few years ago and happened to meet through some LinkedIn campaign the founder and CEO of Boomtime, the prior CEO of Boomtime. When he decided to replace himself, he tapped me to become the new CEO. I did a lot of due diligence and discovered a lot of things about the company that I didn’t know about, obviously, and was very, actually very excited about joining Boomtime as CEO.

All I had done before in my career basically led me to that point. I’ve managed big teams and small teams. I’ve worked with start-ups. I’ve started my own companies. I’ve done a lot of different work at different levels and I think I was ready to jump and become CEO of a larger entity than what I had started myself.

Dr. Relly Nadler: What would you say are some of the key strengths that you bring to tackle these business challenges, that you have? You may want to also say what some of those challenges are, that you are dealing with. So, some of the strengths that you bring and then some of the key challenges that you are personally dealing with.

JP Clement: Yeah. So, I think, probably, one of my strengths was acquired at a pretty hard cost but it came from a personal time in my life when I was having psychological issues and relationship issues in my personal life. That forced me to actually take stock of who I was, what I was doing, and spend some time with therapists and with trying to understand myself better. Which I had honestly not done necessarily in the intervening years. It was really a life changer for me, on a personal basis but, also, on a professional basis. It really gave me one of the key factors in being a good leader and being able to manage a lot of employees in a company, which is self-awareness and emotional awareness. Knowing what you’re feeling, being able to understand those feelings, being able to deal with those feelings, understanding where they are coming from, and all of that.

Self-awareness which I did not have at all caused me a lot of personal issues but also was limiting me in my professional life.

I had been doing well but I think to get to that next step I needed that emotional revolution if you want to call it that. That is something that I think served me incredibly well to really be able to understand myself. Also, knowing when to take the time to look at me and my emotions, and try to understand the why of my actions and behaviors has been a tremendous help.

I think, also, naturally, I am a very social person. Which I think helps a lot in a business setting. I’m also very analytical at the same time. I probably get that from my father – was a scientist. Which helps, not only in marketing but also in terms of running a business.

You can listen to the entire interview above by clicking on the play button.

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