Psychology of Money

We wish you the best over the holidays as this is a
special time for giving, receiving and demonstrating your
Emotional Intelligence to your family and significant
others. Below is our latest podcast from Leadership
Development News.

Psychology of Money

james Gottfurcht

An internationally recognized keynote speaker and money coach, Dr. James Gottfurcht is President of the Los Angeles firm Psychology of Money Consultants. He coaches mental health and financial service professionals as well as helps couples and individuals in his specialty.

In practice for over thirty years, Dr. Gottfurcht is a pioneer in his field. The Psychology of Money Profile was developed by Dr. Gottfurcht and is a standard used with the public and professionals to assess ten psychological money skills associated with financial success.

As a clinical psychologist, he also specializes in challenges with career, relationships, stress, along with money. He has appeared on the BBC, CNN and Good Morning America, and in Forbes, Business Week, Fortune, Time, Newsweek, etc.

He is on the faculty of the College of Executive Coaching and UCLA Extension. Dr. Gottfurcht has also written a chapter in Blueprint for Success, Dr. Stephen Covey’s and Dr. Ken Blanchard’s book.

Listen about work/life self management tools around money, the complete interview with Dr. Gottfurcht, without commercials, above.

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