11 Days in May: The Conversation That will Change Your Life

Are you in the majority of people who are unsure of how to vote, don’t know who to trust and what to believe and are struggling to survive in a deteriorating economy?


Through thirty-six short parables, 11 Days in May: The Conversation That Will Change Your Life, will lift the veil that causes confusion, bring peace of mind, and help readers find answers.

11 Days guides each reader to explore their beliefs, fears and find their own truth through a framework to discard conventional wisdom.

J.D. Messinger helps you discover:

  • That your natural state is one of love, peace and happiness.
  • We all have the ability to create greatness.
  • How to tap into your full potential.
  • How to shift your future and change your environment.

Learn more about this innovative, award winning e-book in today’s show. J.P. Messinger is a global business CEO and former military leader, who experienced the best of his life after he almost lost his life.

Join us today as we talk with J.D. Messinger about his life-altering experience. Each month 35,000 people tune-in to tune-up their performance and learn about Emotional Intelligence. Listen to the complete discussion without commercials, above.

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