Why Love Doesn’t Pay the Bills

Lucrative Love with the Modern Day Father of 4 Walls Branding, Tom Feltenstein


Tom Feltenstein has traded barbs on the David Letterman Show, receiving media acclaim for his Uncommon Marketing wisdom from Larry king, and argued on the Fox News Pre-Game Show about the waste of running ads during the Super Bowl.

Tom has shared his insights on many media outlets including: The Food Network, Lou Dobbs, Voice of America, US News & World Report and CNN, Tips from the Top, Bloomberg TV & Radio, Entrepreneur Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, and others.

“Why doesn’t love pay the bills?” Join “Tom the Lionhearted” on today’s program and learn based on his new book “Lucrative Love.”

His book is aimed at:

  • Exposing outdated, conventional thoughts about “marriage” and relationships.
  • Telling the TRUTH about how thinking more like a business person is a better approach to long term mating (and marketing) strategies.

Tom is entertaining, challenging, and always full of “Uncommon Wisdom.” You can reach Tom at: www.lucrativelove.com.

Join us today as we talk with Tom. Each month 35,000 people tune-in to tune-up their performance and learn about Emotional Intelligence. Listen to the complete discussion without commercials, above.


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