Women Seen and Heard: Lessons Learned from Successful Speakers

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Dr. Lois Phillips is a dynamic public speaker whose clients say she “practices what she teaches.” She is the author of “Women Seen and Heard: Lessons Learned from Successful Speakers.” Using principles outlined in her book, and gained from interviews with successful speakers, she provides coaching  and training to spokespersons, managers and executives.

Dr. Phillips has a special interest in advancing women’s careers, companies, and Board leadership and has produced conferences on women’s leadership, produced and moderated two television programs about women’s changing roles, and has years of conference presentations to complement her academic research.

Lois has taught Creating a Culture of Innovation and also Negotiation Skills for Professional Women for University of California, Santa Barbara Extension.

We talked today about Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO, and her controversial book, Lean In. We talked about Institutional obstacles and ways in which women are passed over for advancement opportunities.

  • These conversations are opening doors for younger women who have great ideas.
  • Women are amazing, self-effacing, attractive, billionaires who realize that they make mistakes, regret things, worry about things. It shouldn’t stop them from moving forward, they shouldn’t back off or cave in. Lean in–assert yourself; if you have something to say don’t hold back.
  • Women have not advanced to the degree where they should be. They have BA’s, MA’s, are in medicine, law, the media and are engineers. We are not represented in the halls of power, in congress, on boards of top corporations. We need to step up here.

There is still a double standard at work:

  • A male can be attractive at work and it’s a positive.
  • A women can be attractive, but she can’t be too attractive, and she can’t be too unattractive.
  • There is a very fine line that women need to walk in terms of being assertive, but not too assertive and not too passive.
  • When women cry in public it’s looked at as a weakness; when men cry it’s a sign of being human.
  • You have to be thoughtful about how you present yourself to people.

Each month 95,000 people tune-in to tune-up their performance and learn more about Emotional Intelligence. Join us today as we talk with Dr. Lois Phillips about women leaders today. Listen to the complete recording, without commercials, above.

Coach’s Corner

In continuing our focus on hands-on tools to raise your Confidence, next is another of the 108 strategies adapted from Leading with Emotional Intelligence.

Success-driven people always set goals for themselves, but often these goals set them up for failure or frustration. Why? Because the goals are unrealistic to start with and constitute a pattern that is a setup for failure. This can lead to Being on Your Case, another tool in Leading with Emotional Intelligence and becoming dissatisfied with your performance. Learn more…

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