Women Seen and Heard: Lessons Learned from Successful Speakers

Dr. Lois Phillips is a dynamic public speaker whose clients say she “practices what she teaches.” She is the author of “Women Seen and Heard: Lessons Learned from Successful Speakers.” Using principles outlined in her book, and gained from interviews with successful speakers, she provides coaching  and training to spokespersons, managers and executives. Dr. Phillips […]

Confidence Strategy: Perfection Loop Quicksand

In continuing our focus on hands-on tools to raise your Confidence, below is another of the 108 strategies adapted from Leading with Emotional Intelligence. Success-driven people always set goals for themselves, but often these goals set them up for failure or frustration. Why? Because the goals are unrealistic to start with and constitute a pattern […]

Confidence Strategy – Current Success Log

In continuing our focus on hands-on tools to raise your Confidence, below is another strategy adapted from Leading with Emotional Intelligence. As an outgrowth of creating your Success Log in the last blog, keep a current log of daily or weekly successes and achievements. The More-Over As a Self-Awareness exercise it is important to know […]

Confidence Strategy: Success Log

In continuing our focus on hands-on tools to raise your Confidence, below is another strategy adapted from Leading with Emotional Intelligence. I use this with leaders to help them identify strengths and success patterns that may not be obvious to them. People always feel good highlighting their strengths and this exercise gives them a reminiscent […]

Self-Confidence Competency – Tools & Strategies

Excerpt from Leading with Emotional Intelligence: Strategies for Building Confident and Collaborative Star Performers (2011), Chapter Three, by Relly Nadler Confidence is the fuel that ignites other actions. This section provides the tools and strategies to help you become a Star Performer in the area of confidence. Self-Confidence is a building block for success throughout […]

Confidence – Star Secrets #2

In writing Leaders’ Playbook and then Leading with Emotional Intelligence, I interviewed Henrik Fisker, then CEO of the luxury car company Fisker Coachbuild, LLC. His story and his practices can give us all some insight into the practices of a Star Performer. This is the second in the sequence of learning some of the 10 […]

Confidence – Star Secrets #4 with Henrik Fisker

This is the fourth in the sequence of learning some of the 10 Star Secrets in Confidence of Henrick Fisker. Here we will look at secret #10 and any pitfalls he identified for himself. Read our three previous Coach’s Corners to see Star Secrets 1-9. #10 Be Willing to Make Decisions That Are Exceptions to […]