3 Core Steps to Global Leadership through Organizational Development

Ettinger, Ron

Leading Globally: Applying Organizational Development
& Coaching – Leadership Development News with Ron
Ettinger of Quaker Chemical

As V.P. of Human Resources at Quaker Chemical, Ronald Ettinger specializes
in executive coaching and organizational development. Quaker Chemical, established
in 1918, is a multi-million dollar company and has relationships in every major
manufacturing county in the world with leading enterprises.

Quaker has a long track record of financial consistency and strength and is
publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange. To better meet the changing needs
of customers, the company decided, as it entered the 2st century, to begin a major
strategic action to fulfill those needs. As a global, knowledge-based company, Quaker
strives to keep a strong sense of responsibility to all associates, to the
communities in which it operates and to the natural environment while working hard
to meet its customers’ needs.

We talked with Ron as he shared his insights on Organizational
Development, Coaching and Human Resources from his over two decades of
experience. Cathy and I asked Ron about Quaker and its global organization
and the associated challenges:

What are the factors relating to success in HR and your ability to
create HR compatible resources on a global basis for your
business units?

  • “Quaker chose to structure our human resource department
    with a balance between local autonomy and global
    consistency. We have local directors and staff in each of our
    core regions around the world.
  • We address local issues in an autonomous way.
  • Quaker creates consistent approaches regarding creating
    culture and systems as a HR group.
  • We train, develop, organize and pay our people consistently
    around the globe.”

What do you look for in leadership development qualities so that you can
get the folks you need leading on-board through culture change and getting
them into the mix to help all of the followers in the organization to get
the best out of the possible change that you have envisioned for them?

  • “The one thing that creates a consistent culture across all of our
    global landscape is the top leadership being able to carry that kind of emotional
    DNA into their workplace and then to begin to align their staff within that
    specific culture or region in a way that perpetuates the kind of culture that
    Quaker really sees as a differentiator in the marketplace.”

Do you hire only ICF Certified coaches?

  • “We go with good coaches and with good experience, but outside of the
    country in Europe and Brazil we use more ICF certified coaches. Maybe
    that is because there are less of them and a higher
    percentage are certified.”

Listen to the podcast above, to hear more tips about Leading Globally.


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