Physical: Books, CDs and Other

  Hands-On Strategies for Building Confident and Collaborative Star Performers Reldan S. Nadler, Psy.D., MCC New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011 Release Take your leadership skills and your organization’s team effectiveness to new, stellar levels. Discover the solutions to the problems facing leadership today. Problems for businesses today: The USA has lost 8.4 million jobs from 2007 to […]

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Leadership Keys is a desk reference of easy to use tools, skills, and actions designed to immediately raise your Emotional Intelligence and create more Star Performers in your organization. People who possess high Emotional Intelligence succeed at work, (performing in the top 10%) build flourishing careers, cultivate long lasting relationships, and create a balanced work/home life.

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The Keys and Field Guide together to bring the EI tools to your team. Each team member gets the Keys and the Leader the Guide to teach the tools. $105.00

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These laminated sets of Leadership Keys can be used at development meetings and on a daily basis to practice skills that will increase your team’s performance and your leadership success. Order in groups of 5, or for larger organizations, get 25 sets to save $76.

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Over half of all physicians suffer from burnout, characterized by depersonalization, loss of enthusiasm for the profession, and cynicism. This devastating emotional disease adversely impacts physicians’ personal and professional lives, with potentially catastrophic consequences for the patients in their care.

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Discover How to Become Emotionally Brilliant During the World’s Most Turbulent Time!

Emotional Brilliance™ is your most powerful tool to create and maintain your healthy internal balance. It is the foundation for ALL your external success in both your professional and personal life.

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You will get 101 quick, simple and — most importantly — proven success secrets from the top experts in the world and gain access to the greatest treasures of all time – the gold nuggets of success. Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Denis Waitley, Relly Nadler, plus many other leading experts have all contributed […]

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