Discover How You Can Grow Your Leadership,
Increase Your Influence and Effectiveness
and Become a Star Performer!
40% of organizations say they don’t have enough qualified leaders.
Will you be ready when opportunity knocks?
Hi. I’m Dr. Relly Nadler, and I have coached and worked with countless CEOs, executives, managers and their teams for over 20 years. As a licensed psychologist, master certified coach (MCC) and author of the book Leading with Emotional Intelligence, I’ve accumulated numerous insights and shortcuts to achieving top performance. I’d like to share them with you so you and your team can perform in the top 10%. I’ve created a series of 3 free videos to do so. Sign up now to view them.
Here’s an introduction to the videos you will be getting when you sign up.
In addition, I have interviewed over 200 leadership gurus, authors and neuroscience experts on my Leadership Development News VoiceAmerica radio show with 95,000 listeners co-hosted by me and Dr. Cathy Greenberg. With this volume of experience, I’m giving you practical content that typically only my executive coaching clients get, who pay up to $24,000 a year to work with me, or my keynote audiences hear who pay $20,000-$30,000.
When you sign up to view this free series of videos, in addition to valuable insights, you’ll also get specific tips to immediately apply and help you improve your leadership performance.
Why am I doing this? Because if we have fewer key leaders on automatic and more who are more conscious and emotionally intelligent, we will all benefit from better decision making and greater leadership. Emotional Intelligence (EI) has long been recognized as being core to good leadership and career success. I look at EI as the key to managing your own skills and managing and developing others so that success is the natural outcome.
By watching this FREE, content-packed series of leadership development videos, you will discover:
- Why NOW is the perfect time to enhance your leadership and fill the leadership gap!
- The 7 common errors that can derail you and your team
- Why being smart or technical is not enough to move up and what is
- What top performers do differently than average performers and the secrets they know!
- What are the key myths behind leadership and how to navigate through them
- What communication strategies do you need before your team beats you to the punch!
- What team members want from their leaders
- What is the Leadership Two-Step and how to use it
- How to maximize micro initiatives and create a macro-impact!
Sign Up Now to Get this Free, Content-Packed Video Series. Then Share With Your Friends!
Watch your email for notifications about each of the videos. They will be released separately.