Emotional Equations: Simple Truths for Success

This week’s guest is Chip Conley, author of the book Emotional Equations, which was a #1 Bestseller on Amazon as far pre-orders. He has brought together incredible information to bring this idea of emotional intelligence to emotional fluency. Chip Conley started his own hospitality company, Joie de Vivre. As CEO for 2 dozen years he grew it […]

How Can Emotional Equations Help with Your Emotional Intelligence?

Chip Conley and Emotional Equations Chip Conley is the innovative CEO of Joie de Vivre (JDV), the second largest boutique hotel company in the United States. JDV has over 3,000 employees and has grown to over 35 award-winning hotels, spas and restaurants. The transformational leadership practices of both Chip and his company have been featured in The […]