Mindful Eating … What does that mean?

We have been highlighting our Mastermind program that we are going to have at the Miraval in Tucson from July 23-27. Once a month Michael Tompkins, the visionary CEO of Miraval, has been joining us to talk about Miraval and introduce some of the highly skilled experts on the staff who will bring you a variety of information, knowledge […]

Mindful Living – Exercise Physiology and How it Affects Leadership

In the new year we started with our guest Michael Tompkins who is the visionary CEO of Miraval. We have continued to build on that momentum throughout the year with guests from Miraval. Today will be a fantastic show bringing you again, another expert from Michael Tompkins’ organization, Andrew Wolf. We are going to talk […]

Mindful Living: Carry Your Mental Couch to the Curb

We are continuing our ongoing series with Michael Tompkins, the visionary CEO of Miraval. Once a month, for the last 3 months, we have had Michael on. It has been fascinating and we’ve been highlighting the program that is going to happen this July at the Miraval. Michael is a 15-year veteran of the luxury hospitality […]

Mindful Living – Living a Present, Mindful Life

Michael Tompkins is the visionary CEO of Miraval, recognized as one of the nation’s finest health resorts and creator of the new “Mindful Living” experience. He is a fifteen year veteran of the luxury hospitality industry. He began his career at Miraval in 2007. He has been instrumental in Miraval’s Life in Balance Spa with […]