Virtuousness in and of Organizations and the Relationship to Performance


Kim Cameron is William Russell Kelly Professor of Management and Organizations in the Ross School of Business and Professor of Higher Education in the School of Education at the University of Michigan.

He currently serves as Associate Dean of Executive Education in the Ross School. His past research on organizational virtuousness, downsizing, effectiveness, corporate quality culture, and the development of leadership excellence has been published in more than 120 academic articles and 15 scholarly books, for example, Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture (Jossey Bass), Competing Values Leadership (Edward Elgar), Positive Organizational Scholarship (Berrett Koehler), Making the Impossible Possible (Berrett Koehler), and Leading with Values (Cambridge University Press).

Organizations characterized by virtuous practices–for example, forgiveness, compassion, integrity, trust, optimism, kindness–tended to avoid the declining performance associated with downsizing. Observing this effect led to a variety of empirical studies on the relationships between organizational virtuousness and organizational performance.

We talked with Kim and discussed:

  • Positive Energy — Are you the most positive energizer in the room?
  • Are you in the center of a positive energy network?
  • Your position in the energy network is 4-times more important than your position in the information network or the influence network in predicting performance.

Each month 95,000 people tune-in to tune-up their performance and learn more about Emotional Intelligence. Join us today as we talk with Kim Cameron about Virtuousness and it’s relationship to performance. Listen to the complete recording, without commercials, above.

Coach’s Corner

In continuing our focus on hands-on tools to raise your Confidence, below is another strategy adapted from Leading with Emotional Intelligence. I use this with leaders to help them identify strengths and success patterns that may not be obvious to them. People always feel good highlighting their strengths and this exercise gives them a reminiscent clue to some of their current achievements. You would hold the conversation with them after they finish and use a subset of the questions below. Read more...

Thank you for visiting! Have a great 4th of July!


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