Wander Woman: How High-Achieving Women Find Contentment and Direction


Dr. Marcia Reynolds, author of the new book: Wander Woman: How High-Achieving Women Find Contentment and Direction, has a passion for discovering and sharing how the brain works, especially the brains of today’s smart and strong women.

Her book, released in 2010, reached #1 in Leadership and Management books for women on Amazon. Marcia is also the author of Outsmart Your Brain and has been in many publications including U.S. Business Review, Harvard Communications Newsletter, The New York Times, and Cosmopolitan.

She has appeared on ABC World News and is a regular blogger for Psychology Today and The Huffington Post.

Today we talked about the Five Mental Blocks that keep wonderful and talented women from enjoying their success:

  1. Women feel that “I am the one who knows.”
  2. Women have difficulty saying “no” because they don’t think anyone can do it as well as they can.
  3. The assumption is, as women, that they don’t need any help.
  4. There is a subtle belief that as women, they will always be disappointed.
  5. The “burden of greatness”: women are brought up to believe that they can be great, but that there is always something greater they can do.

We also discussed “appreciative dialog,” how do I want to show-up today, celebration at the end of the day, and other exercises that Marcia offers.

You can watch videos and download the first chapter of Wander Woman at www.wanderwomanbook.com.

Dr. Reynolds is one of the first 25 people to earn the designation of Master Certified Coach (MCC) and is a past president of the International Coach Federation (ICF). She was instrumental in designing the certification and accreditation programs for ICF.

Each month 95,000 people tune-in to tune-up their performance and learn about Emotional Intelligence. Join us today as we talk with Dr. Marcia Reynolds. Listen to the complete discussion without commercials, above.

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