Dr. Relly Nadler: We are always looking for some tools and tips to add to your toolbox that will be beneficial for you. Along those lines, we always have great guests. Steve Cunningham is with us today. We are going to talk to him about entrepreneurial learning and leadership. He’s got an interesting background, but […]
Dr. Relly Nadler: I’m excited to talk about acceptance and commitment therapy. How do you become psychologically flexible? Especially in this time as we are coming out of the pandemic. Only about a third of people are going back to work. There are a lot of things around dealing with adversity. We have been talking […]
Dr. Relly Nadler: Today, we are going to bring on Dr. Katrina Burrus. She is going to help us talk about how to transform brilliant jerks into inspiring leaders. So, we will get her to talk more about what is a brilliant jerk. And then, what can you do – we have all had those […]
Dr. Relly Nadler: Welcome to Leadership Development News, I’m Dr. Relly Nadler. Dr. Cathy Greenberg, my esteemed co-host is here, today. Cathy and I have been doing this now for fourteen years. We have helped thousands of leaders and executives to perform in the top ten percent. Cathy, why don’t we do a quick little […]
Dr. Cathy Greenberg: I am so excited today. I am really looking forward to talking to EB. Don’t you love that we have the EB Academy, and our guest today is EB? It can’t get any better than that. I was just like, “This is so cool!” I feel very fortunate when we come across […]
Dr. Relly Nadler: Today, we have Leslie Ehm who has a book that we will talk about, which will be helpful for you around some tips. Swagger, is the book – Unleash Everything You Are and Become Everything You Want. We are going to dig into that a little bit more, with Leslie Ehm. Cathy, welcome […]
Dr. Cathy Greenberg: I’m really happy to be here, today. I’m very excited to hear from our friend at Boomtime. I am very, very interested in learning more about how they are going to be supporting this new virtual world. Not only for real estate but also for other kinds of marketing strategies. Dr. Relly […]
Dr. Relly Nadler: Welcome to Leadership Development News, Profiles and Practices of Top Performers. I’m Dr. Relly Nadler and we have Dr. Cathy Greenberg, my esteemed co-host is here. Between Cathy and I, we have helped thousands of leaders perform in the top 10%. Cathy, welcome to the show. Dr. Cathy Greenberg: Thank you, Relly. […]
Dr. Relly Nadler: We are always interested in giving you a few tips and tools that you could use as a leader. Some of it may be as a parent, maybe as a coach. What can you do a little differently? What could you do a little more? Is there something you should do a little […]
Dr. Relly Nadler: Today, we want to zero in on Motivation to be Your Best, whether that is you or how to motivate people that you lead. We are really focusing on leaders in organizations, but that can also be leaders in your family. So, we are focusing on what top performers do in the moment, […]
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